Monday, June 25, 2007

Assignment #3

11Let me begin by stating there are a number of legitimate issues associated with the likely location of the George W. Bush Presidential library on the Southern Methodist University 3131campus (with each having their own set of related advantages and disadvantages). Most members of the community and the SMU family also understand that there is a vocal sub-group of faculty who strenuously oppose the SMU selection3232. Their main opposition appears to be centered on a fundamental disagreement with Bush policies related to the Iraq war and his likely legacy due to those policies. These people also argue that such a negative relationship (between Bush and his failed Iraq war policy) will somehow taint SMU’s reputation.

I am extremely disappointed in the faculty members who have taken this position. My disappointment is not politically based or based upon any personal views about the Iraq war. Instead, I believe the faculty opposing the Bush Library has taken a position that is inconsistent with the role of a major research university.

As a university student, I believe the primary goals of any institution of higher learning, like SMU, is to create and transfer knowledge in a way that is open to new and controversial ideas. By learning to be open to new concepts and evaluate their merits based upon an unbiased process that involves strenuous and ethical research, the body of knowledge increases and society as a whole benefits. The opposing faculty seems to want to write the final chapter of history while events are still unfolding. They want to reach final conclusions without the benefit of scholarly research. They refuse to recognize the benefits to existing and future researchers of having the original presidential papers close and accessible.

Let me be clear that my position in no way attempts to deny any member of the SMU family the right to their own views about any or all issues. However, the linkage of opposing Bush policies to opposing the location of a large research facility is in my opinion intellectually weak. The fact that this position is originating with the very same individuals who are the essence of the university and its role in society makes my disappointment more pronounced.

For more information on the Bush Presidential Library: SMU's Bush Presidential Library Site Selection Update3333


At June 26, 2007 at 8:02 PM , Blogger jrichard said...

Your opinion comes through strong and clear. And you made a good use of both aspects of your voice.

My primary concern with this post is the treatment you give to those with which you disagree.

There are some who undoubtedly feel precisely as you have described. However, the "legacy" question does not seem to be at the heart of the objections of most of those voicing opposition.

You really should use direct quotes and link to the voices with which you are disagreeing. It is hard to tell how much of your disagreement is based on what the opposition thinks and how much is based on what YOU think they think.

Security, E013233, differing values, threats to the existing university discourse culture, even parking concerns have cited in media as rationale for opposition.

You might find some of these concerns are quite understandable if you consulted some of the source materials.

Some of the objectors seem to share the ideals you express, they just have other concerns.


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